Let's cut to the chase: no one really wants to lose WEIGHT! NO ONE. If you think you do, you're mistaken. Almost everyone wants to lose FAT, and INCHES. What the arbitrary scale says is pointless, the mirror is what counts. When it comes down to it, we want to get the rolls off and look more shredded up. We don't want to be a skinny fat kid (someone who looks decent in clothes because of their size, but when you see them in a bathing suit they are soft and pudgy).

Losing weight is easy. It really is. All you have to do is eat less food. Here's how you do it: go on a low calorie diet, using every ounce of willpower you have for a few months, and watch the number on the scale drop. But what happens? At the end of your low calorie diet, are the rolls gone? Are you looking any better? Or are you basically a smaller version of the same chubby self. When you sit down are the rolls gone? haha YEAH RIGHT!!!! You may have lost weight, but you really aren't looking much better.

So let's REDEFINE the goal. IT ISN'T ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT. IT'S ABOUT LOSING FAT! In fact, I'd go as far as saying this: Don't even pay attention to the scale, pay attention to the mirror, body measurements, and fat testing results.

The fact is losing the right kind of weight can be a very daunting task. Losing FAT is tough! Especially for certain genetic types (people who naturally hold fat......which includes ME). It definitely takes more effort than just eating less food. You really have to micro-analyze WHAT foods you're eating (protein, carb and fat sources), WHAT type of protein, fats and carbs they are, WHERE those foods are coming from (natural? organic? from a lab?) and even when you're eating them (meal timing), while constantly tracking their effects on your body.

So what happens on a starvation diet/low calorie diet? When you're starving yourself you're sending a signal to your body that says "there is limited amounts of calories available, get rid of the calorie burning tissue (muscle)." The starving Ethiopian with a pot gut is not the look I want, not sure about you (that's a VERY sad situation, and I hope to one day make a difference for people who are starving). But ultimately that's what you're going to get on a low cal diet. You'll end up a smaller version of your chubby self. No muscle, no health, no vitality, no energy to even workout, etc. etc. etc. You'll end up with a smaller number on the scale, but won't look any better when it comes down to it, you'll feel like hell, and eventually you're will power will run dry. But guess what!? At the end of it all, you'll end up with a slower metabolism due to less muscle on your body, because the survival machine that is your body will have gotten rid of it all through a process called catabolism. Muscle is METABOLIC tissue, which means it requires calories to be maintained. When you're dieting willpower runs dry, it will be easier than ever to gain more and more fat back. People get stuck in this ENDLESS LOOP, and frankly it's sad. Are you one of them? NOW is the time to turn this around.

So what's the REAL solution? The real solution is NOT weight loss, but fat loss. Look, I'm definitely NOT someone who hit the genetic lottery when it comes to storing fat. If I ate like the average American I would be a more than pudgy tub of goo, I would be a humanized walrus. Seriously. It's taken me YEARS to realize that FAT loss is not so much about calories but he SOURCE of those calories. Which ultimately translates into your leptin levels and insulin resistance (more to come on this).

So, here's the proof. This is a few years back. I was working out EVERYDAY....like a maniac, really watching what I ate (so I thought) and STILL, as you can tell, I was a pudgy tub of goo.
To be honest, I've basically looked this same way up until I RADICALLY changed what I was eating about 3-4 months ago.

This picture was taken a few weeks ago. This is me, after about 3 months of paying CLOSE attention to the sources of calories I was ingesting (I finally stumbled onto the RIGHT information and finally dedicated myself 100 percent on taking action and following through:

So how do we turn our bodies into FAT burning machines? Well here's the short answer that will be expanded upon massively as this blog continues:
1. Workout....HARD....SHOCK your body every single day (more to come on this in the future)
2. Eat FAR less carbs while being VERY selective on the sources of carbs. This will translate into normalizing and optimizing what's going on with your leptin and insulin levels.

In my next post, I will be going into DEPTH on leptin levels, insulin resistance, and specifics on WHAT to eat to turn your body into a fat burning inferno. OH and guess what, you'll just happen to feel better than you've ever felt along the way. You'll find you'll have more energy, more ability and desire to hit the gym hard, and you just might be GAINING muscle while you lose fat.

See ya at the next post (Monday at the latest). Let's make this interactive and fun. Leave comments whether they be positive or negative feedback, questions, accolades or even insults. :) Let's make this REAL and RAW (just like the foods you should be eating)

Oh and live life on your own accord :)
