When you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."

You've probably noticed that you're about the only person in your social circle doing things proactive to change your health and fitness levels. In fact, you might have people criticizing you for it. Whenever one embarks on a journey of personal change, inevitably opposition shows up. Opposition comes in many forms. Friends, family, random people, yourself and your own limiting beliefs, your own success barriers, events, the list could go on forever. However, the single most influential form of opposition, in my humble opinion, that stunts personal progress is a concept called SOCIAL PROOF.

Social proof, also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in ambiguous social situations when people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behavior. Making the assumption that surrounding people possess more knowledge about the situation, they will deem the behavior of others as appropriate or better informed.

So why is this understanding important? You MUST understand
that your subconscious mind (part of the caveman that you're inhabiting) is continuously looking around for acceptable ways to behave, think, act, respond, and ultimately live from the SHEEPLE around you. If you're trying to make a change in how you eat, maybe you're taking my advise and trying out the caveman diet, you've got to know that your mind is going to be looking around, seeing that no one else eats like this, and you'll likely start to feel the feelings of opposition and be influenced to STOP; and go with the flow. You feel that PULL, that DRAW, to do what others are doing.

Here's a quick video that demonstrates my point:

Cavemen do what other cavemen do. Plain and simple. When you're conscious of this fact, you can observe it in yourself and choose to override this auto reaction. When you're not conscious of this, you're going to just respond to what all the other caveman are doing and follow suit.

A classic example of this is Nazi Germany. Another is American Slavery. Both were crimes against humanity, yet because it was 'the norm' very few people were opposed to it (at least initially). Don't fall into that trap.

The goal of this post was to just expose you to this idea of social proof and how it can be your biggest opposition in making personal changes in the way you eat, and live.

I leave you with some visuals of what you'll get if you follow do what others are doing, live how others are living.




It's okay to be different. In fact, it's NOT okay to NOT be different in the area of health and fitness.

Design your life.
